Batik History and Development of Typical Tegal his

Tegal batik was known in the late nineteenth century and was used as a homemade dyes derived from plants:

1. pace / mengkudu,
2. indigo
3. Soga
4. wood

and the fabric is homespun. Color Tegal batik was first babaran Sogan and gray after a known indigo plant and then increases to the red-blue color.

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batik patterns typical of tegal
Tegal batik or fields that can be recognized from the color picture or motif rengrengan large or wide. This motif has no other areas that seem exclusive.
Isen, Isen bit rough inspired by the flora and fauna environment. This combined with a specific color or a contrasting soft, "soft colors and contrast are pesisiran style batik motif. This led to the impression firm and straightforward.
cultural dress in Tegal batik was brought King Amangkurat I (Amangkurat Sunan Mas) from Kasunanan Keraton Surakarta. Amangkurat then north along the coast with his followers including batik crafters.
compare the differences between the regions batik style daerha tegal neighboring cities.

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Spoiler for batik tegalan:

These craftsmen finally lowered his knowledge of their grandchildren and extends to the community. Batik business activity fields in Tegal, Central Java of an industrial cluster in small-medium enterprises in Kelurahan Kalinyamat Wetan, Bandung, Tunon, and Keturen, South Tegal district area.
batik craftsmen in the town of Tegal batik has been in the generations. As, style of batik that has so far been developed, among others, the style rice mawur, tread ngebul kebo and kitchen. "Various shades of batik is purely the work of the City of Tegal batik artisans.

Tegal batik today.
Various kinds of Tegal batik motif can be seen in Griya tegal batik in bandung village south tegal district, city tegal, ... inauguration held by board chairman of the national craft tegal sudiati Tatik Winarso adi,. Griya Batik was founded as a center of trade and education batik in Tegal, Central Java,. In addition to various batik are ready to sell,. In griya they will also be shown all batik-making process, from drawing to coloring.

Currently, Tegal batik lose their generation, because most young people choose to work there as a guard to Jakarta Warteg. In addition, because the income of Tegal batik makers increasingly inadequate. Because the price of raw materials more expensive, while the selling price of batik cloth does not increase. In fact, making a very long time. The average daily spend four to six hours to batik.

Spoiler for pembatik tradisional tegal:

The increase in raw material prices are not offset by selling price increases batik cloth. So far, most are still dependent on batik batik traders. . Batik cloth is sold to traders Rp 80.000 per share.

Most of the younger generation are reluctant to write batik. Since the last few years, they chose to migrate to Jakarta, and worked as a trader or guardian Warteg. With these conditions, batik professions are not interested to write more.
Usually that still want to make batik only women who had married and had children. "If it was a girl, they chose to Jakarta, which is the result. Until now, the number of batik in the city tegal about 200 people who were tegal southern region. To excite tegal batik life since 2003, local government employees mawajibkan tegal wearing batik on Thursday.



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